Happy Mother’s Day!
MMothers day is here and yes, this time Teachers won’t send home mother’s day surprise crafts. Sad but its always good to appreciate what you do by yourself. Correct? So this mother’s day, Moms have to do that surprise craft activity for themselves because tradition is always a tradition, and as I mentioned before there is nothing wrong with gifting to yourself. I always gift myself a book or flowers or Spa-treatment to feel good about being so awesome just like you are. Mommies are just the best.
Why am I so enthusiastic about Mother’s day? Just because I am a mom? No. The real reason is…Because I value my mom just like you do. I am so much grateful for what she has done her whole life and still doing to make me who I am today. When I needed a push to run a mile longer than my actual ability – She pushed me. When I needed that warm hug after losing a singing competition – She hugged me and at the same time pushed me to work hard for the next time. When I wanted to follow my dreams and needed those powerful wings – She gave hers too. When I needed someone to listen to my pregnancy tantrums – She was right there. And now when I am working on my business and need that extra comfort about ‘someone needs to listen to me!’ (another stressful tantrum by me to my mom), she is listening. And sometimes I just don’t talk and keep mum; no word comes out of my mouth when she is on Facetime with me – She is still there to share that silence.
So yes, being enthusiastic for Mother’s day is a must day to celebrate even though we value mothers every single day. It’s nothing wrong to show that extra love on such a day. Though we are past that mom-daughter gifting days, all she advises is to make myself more available to my kid and So here I am with some mom-child craft ideas that you can do with your little one as a team.
Research suggests that if you do crafts and creating art with your kids together, not by instruction-mommy but as an active participant, it increases and strengthens the bonding between you two and also improves a child’s child’s psychological health. Moms are natural Mom, cook, teacher, parent, guide, psychologist, caretaker, trainer, and comfortable pillow to the child.
So here are some activities that I did to celebrate my Mother’s day to increase the bond, learn new (children teach you many things every day), and became a little better version of me.
Lets start!
1. Baking
Baking is a fun activity to share with a little one. It focuses on attention, social skills, turn-taking, fine motor, gross motor (sitting and balance, or standing), hand manipulations, visual motor, hand-eye coordination, organization and planning skills, memory, creative thinking skills, perception, sequencing skills and much more!
Children crate better bond with their parents if they participate in household chores as family altogether.
2. Q tip Art
Get a paper and some of your (mom’s) favorite colors. And start painting! This is a great activity to improve attention, and sitting span as this activity needs kid to paint within the borders and that needs a great amount of focus.
3. Color the catterpillar
Provide yourself and your toddler different colors and draw a caterpillar on a paper. And the next step is to paint catterpillar in different colors!
4. Color the Flower
Gift Mommy a flower! while going to flower-store is tough these days, we thought to make flower art at home only.
5. Mom and kids yoga
Mom needs her exercise time and so kids too. Yoga is the best exercise form for kids to maintain their flexibility and improve overall physical health. We sometimes do yoga together and sometimes I do my exercises and she does hers. There are great kids yoga programs available on the web with fabulous videos. I am a no-screen time parent though I do this for yoga time as sometimes I know my limitations and a few things only experts can teach.
6. Good Cause Activities
As we all know, shelter-in-place time is tough. Appreciating those who truly are HEROES is important. So we did this task to tribute health care and Essential workers. A joint venture of mother and child to develop good-values is a great gift to one’s family during the mother’s day time. As these workers still work to provide you groceries, boxes, mails, keep your health safe, make your life easier, and hustle free. So yes developing values through craft during Mother’s day time is an awesome present for those Moms who leave their families behind and just WORK for the community and the world.
7. Dancing together
Dance therapy is so important to relieve all stress. Whether you dance on baby shark or you dance on mom’s songs. It’s important to be happy! Try that out today!
8. Story time with mom
Read stories to your little one. Reading has all the benefits. And that could be the best mother’s day gift to yourself. Investing time in kid now will give ripe fruits in the future.
10. Learn with mom!
Learning is fun and we can make it more fun by involving ourselves with our kids during educational activities. I tried to identify letter M by making a puzzle of letters on the chalk-board. Then I asked her to find letter M as her name starts with letter M. It was easy and no-mess by doing this activity on the chalkboard. It provided learning, education, fine and gross motor functions, visual tracking, figure-ground perception, pencil-grip development while gripping the chalk, problem-solving, and much more.
I hope you have an exceptional Mother’s day! Have fun with your child on this day.